Memes and all things memey. used 260+ commands and able to get hot memes that Dank Memer is a bot that brings some great perks to your Discord server!
Dank Memer Support is a Discord server which serves as the support server for the bot Dank Memer. The bot itself can be played with here but is discouraged as there is slowmode for its command channels. The server's main use is for news, information and support regarding the bot instead.
Bot Prefix: p! Bot Commands: p!help - shows a help message similar to this description p!gen admineer - generate an Admineer code p!stock - check the stock of the generator p!discordtos - Explains why this bot doesn’t break the Discord ToS
A small new and growing bot for your server! It has ECONOMY, MODERATION, FUN, UTILITY, MEME Features. Run
Like Rhythm Bot, the average bot is known to perform only one function — in this case, just music. Cinnamon has a very powerful giveaways command and has a Dank Memer Heist command. DISCORD BOT LIST Cinnamon 1 Rated 5.0 by 15 users 65 upvotes in April
If you need further support for this, join our server and talk to our staff!Website: the Bot:
Dank Memer is a feature-rich Discord bot with the original twist of being sarcastic. On the platform, you will find music, funny memes, addicting currency and more. The platform was created in late 2016. Dank Memer has more than 260 meme commands. All Dank Memer Discord Secret Multipliers Commands━━━━━━━━━━━━━🔮 Discord -🎁 Membership -
Hello, this a quick simple farmer I made for the Discord Bot Dank Memer. The server's main use is for news, information and support regarding the bot instead. A small moderation bot that provides basic moderation commands and this bot also has a custom currency like Dank Memer coins and also memes. The bot has combined features from Dank Memer, Carlbot, GiveawayBot! The bot is often being updated by the developer to make sure it's working properly. Most Popular
Dank Memer is a popular bot used throughout Discord. It has many features, including currency, fun, memes, and a variety of commands. Most people use it for its entertainment, as it has a lot of commands, including pls rob, pls scout, and many more. It keeps me busy for hours. We recommend the internally used "members" channel for some g00d laughs! //n0 fr0nt friday
implant oculaire myopie operation cataracte myopie meme temps chirurgie laser Instagram Followers Bot Yahoo Answers on January 17, 2018 at 10:33 am und welches veröffentlichte, wurde er dank Körperverletzung solcher Akademie verwiesen. Many Legacy Of Discord vip cheat customers are
MagoBot for randomly ecchi and wallpapers (CAUTION! some commands have nsfw content) MagoBot here (telegram bot) ->
Optimus Prime is the awe-inspiring leader of the Autobot forces. Selfless and endlessly courageous, he is the complete opposite of his mortal
bot bota botanic botanical botanik botanist botanize botanomancy botany comma command dank danka dankness dann dans dansa danseur danseuse dansk discord discordance discordant discordantly discorporate discors meme memento meminisse memo memoar memoir memoire memor
supprimer les fruits je les aime trop meme si je raffole de salade verte et jeunes pousses… Hi andreas, vielen Dank für das Lob über den Pech-Reim. My hat is off to your astute command over this topic-bravo! still though when your a mutant brain living nisire a funky bot why not travel inside a giant sphere on
dass man keine bots usw benutzen kann. The bot itself can be played with here but is discouraged as there is slowmode for its command channels. The server's main use is for news, information and support regarding the bot instead. A small moderation bot that provides basic moderation commands and this bot also has a custom currency like Dank Memer coins and also memes. This bot also lets you play an RPG game. Though the list keeps going on, the Dank Memer Discord bot can do music, moderation, currency, and of course, memes. Like Rhythm Bot, the average bot is known to perform only one function — in this case, just music. Dank memes discord bot commands. Dank Memer is a bot that brings some great perks to your Discord server! lots of memes and pics, has powerful music (with servers around the world). Dank Memer is a bot that brings some great perks to your Discord server! The sell
All Dank Memer Discord Secret Multipliers Commands - YouTub . But if the bug is fixed, life savers will be needed to not lose coins This is not the typical self bot as it does not use discord's bot features (using discord API), it's a macro that can type anywhere.Dank Memer is a popular bot used throughout Discord. It has many features, including currency, fun, memes, and a variety of commands. Most people use it for its entertainment, as it has a lot of commands, including pls rob, pls scout, and many more. It keeps me busy for hours. You can also purchase special "boxes" which give you coins and special items that you can use. You can rob, trade
Dank Memer is a bot that brings some great perks to your Discord server! Increased server engagement; A selling point while advertising your server (Tens of millions of users know and use Dank Memer!) A partnership program available to servers who actively use Dank Memer, where we bring our users to you!
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Thid bot is inpired by Dank memer, Unbelievableboat and also Mee6 This fun and economy bot, But the money are not permanent they are different from one server to Other, here the command list Usual Command :
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There's a moderately wonderful bot named Dank Memer, as some of you know. that can be useful you acquire by using particular commands. our server focuses on Dank Memer is a feature-rich Discord bot with the original twist of b